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#7050 : Two male blondes from New York saved
Two male blondes from New York saved all winter long for a summer vacation in California. The big day arrived, and they began their cross country drive.
Finally, after a week, they arrive in California. One blonde looks at the other and says "Wow, what a great vacation. Lets count our money and see what we can do with it."
The other blonde says "OK." They put their money together and come up with only 59 cents.
The first blonde says "Man! we saved all winter long for this summer vacation in California and now all we have is 59 cents!"
The second blonde see's a drug store and says "Pull over." He goes in and comes out a a few minutes later.
The first blonde asks "What's up?"
The second blonde proudly pulls out a box of tampons.
The first blonde yells "We saved up all winter long for a summer vacation in California and with our last 59 cents you buy a box of tampons!"
The second blonde smugly responds "yeah! Look at the back of the box, you can go fishing, camping, swimming, bike riding...."