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#5869 : St. Peters letter of commendation
There were two men in a bar talking and the first man began to tell the second man a story:
"One day St. Peter sent an angel to Earth to make a list of all the people that were doing hanky-panky. The angel soon found that this was a monumental task, so he asked St. Peter for some assistance. However, none could be given due to the labor shortage. So, a compromise was reached in that the angel would a list of those persons not engaging in hanky-panky. This was a much shorter list. Upon returning with the list, the angel was bid of St Peter to send a letter of commendation to all those on the list that had not participated in hanky-panky."
At this point the first man turned to the second and asked,"And do you know what the letter said?" "No, what did the letter say?" "Ah, so you didn`t get one either!"