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#4670 : The court jester was eyeing the big boobs of the Queen
The court jester was eyeing the big boobs of the Queen. "If I don't suck those, my life's a waste", lamented he when a consultant turned up.
"Pay my fee of Rupees Twenty Five Grand and I shall help you attain your objective", said he.
The curious jester agreed. The consultant told him to be ready on the 7th day. The consultant then prepared an itchy powder that causes a seven-day itch and sprinkled it liberally on the Queen's bra hung out to dry. The Queen wore the bra and started itching profusely in her boobs. No doctor could cure it. Came the 7th day. The consultant took the jester to the King and said,"My Lord! I heard that the Queen was unwell. The pity is you have the medicine man right here and know not his power. If he applies his mouth to the affected part, his magical saliva cures any illness", said he.
The king reflected a little and agreed to let the jester work on the Queen.
The jester sucked to his heart's content by the time the effect of the itchy powder ended. The consultant saw his happy client and promptly asked his fee. The jester thought that the deed was done and was not going to be repeated anyway. So why pay ! He asked the consultant to go to hell.
The consultant warned him thrice. When the jester remained adamant, the consultant prepared a king sized portion of the itchy powder and emptied it in all the King's underwears !
Moral of the story : Never refuse payment to your consultants!