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#3237 : The Cesium song 08
`Lectropositive Mama
(tune, Lady Madonna)
`Letropositive mama,
Cesium on your meat,
Wonder how you manage,
To stay on your feet.
How d`ya stand the smokin`?
How d`ya `bide the flame?
Do you think that life`s just
A burnin` game.
Monday night your hunger`s a blue fire,
Tuesday morn` you`re cookin` `fore the sun.
Wednesday rain, you`re only flamin` higher,
Having your fun.
`Lectropositive mama,
Cinders in your curls,
No way can compare you,
To ordinary girls.
Likin` the explosions,
Rock you on your seat.
How can any woman handle
All that heat?
---Songs of Cesium #47
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