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#1028 : Making comparisons
In Heaven:
1.The cooks are French,
2.The policemen are English,
3.The mechanics are German,
4.The lovers are Italian,
5.The bankers are Swiss.
In Hell:
1.The cooks are English,
2.The policemen are German,
3.The mechanics are French,
4.The lovers are Swiss,
5.The bankers are Italian.
In Computer Heaven:
1.The management is from Intel,
2.The design and construction is done by Apple,
3.The marketing is done by Microsoft,
4.IBM provides the support,
5.Gateway determines the pricing.
In Computer Hell:
1.The management is from Apple,
2.Microsoft does design and construction,
3.IBM handles the marketing,
4.The support is from Gateway,
5.Intel sets the price.
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