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#6131 : Joe Shmoe and Sam Shlam were buddies
Joe Shmoe and Sam Shlam were buddies all their lives. When they died, Joe went to heaven, but Sam went to the other place.
Heaven was a gorgeous garden with fountains and flowers, serenity, contemplation, and serious conversation. After some time, Joe wondered how Sam was faring, so he asked the recording angel if he could visit his erst-while friend. Sure, said the angel, here s a weekend pass.
Hell proved to be a real swinging place filled with pubs and betting shops and massage parlors. Sam had done very well and now owned his own disco joint. The two pals had a great time.
Next week, Joe again asked for a pass to go down to hell. But you were just there, said the angel, why do you want to go again?
Oh, said Joe, thinking fast, I left my harp in Sam Shlam s disco.
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