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#6079 : The first one goes into the confessional
These two kids about 12 or 13 go to confession. The first one goes into the confessional and admits having sex with a girl.
The priest says, "It wasn't Carmen Angelozi was it"?
The kid says "No father, it wasn't".
The priest says, "It wasn't Angela Fetucini was it"?
The kid replies, "No father, it wasn't".
The priest then says, "It wasn't Maria Carmella was it"?
The kid once again says, "No father it wasn't".
The priest then says, "Well, for your pennance say 50 Hail Mary's and leave half your allowance in the offering for 2 weeks".
When the kid leaves the confessional his friend asks him how it went to which he replies, "not bad and I got 3 leads
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