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#5907 : person went to church every week
A person went to church every week, but feel asleep during the sermon and the women said.. "next time you fall asleep I,m going to stick this pen up your ass" and he did fall asleep, the father Began a story and said "Does anyone know what so and so said then?" and the women had just stuck the pen up the guys ass as he stood up and say "Hallelujah! " and then the father said Correct my son..
the next week as the father asked another question, the guy was jabbed with the pen and Stood up to say "AMEN!" and the father said "Right again my son.."
the next week the father began to talk about Adam and eve, he said what did eve say to Adam after their 10th child? and the guy was jabbed with the pen again and he stood up to yell very loudly "Shove that thing up my ass one more time and I,ll rap it around your face!" and the father said, no I,m sorry, anyone else?
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