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#4738 : Dear Abby
Dear Abby,
I am an unmarried woman aged 63, with two children. Both are gainfully employed.
As a young girl, I unfortunately was quite promiscuous. Through a series of unhappy affairs with both single and married men of virtually all races and social backgrounds, I found myself pregnant twice. I have no idea who fathered my children. I have had venereal diseases many times, and spent literally years in and out of mental institutions and alcohol rehabilitation centers.
Through theft, prostitution, and blackmail, I supported a heavy drug habit for a very long time. Thank God, I am now free of drugs and alcohol and am making an honest effort to live a good life.
My problem is this. I have met a gentleman, aged 64. He is kind, handsome, and financially stable. He is terribly decent and great fun to be with.
My daughter is a cocktail waitress. But Abby, how can I tell him that I have a son that works for Microsoft?
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