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Customer to waiter
Why are you writing very slowly?
I have swallowed a key
An old rich man buys hearing aids
A Kid calls the Help Desk
A blonde man filling up an application form
A Blonde cuts sides of the capsule before taking it
This is the only way
A ship is sinking

Dealing with a juggler
Careful when you wish
Answering machine message 67
Getting into fights
Go on a hiking trip
A snail buys a fast new car
Boat troubles
A 10pm curfew was imposed in Belfast
Woman is on a bus

State Jokes

#2984 You are in California
You Know You,re In California When... 1. The fastest part of your commute is down your driveway. 2. You were born somewhere else. 3. You know how to eat an artichoke. 4. The pr...
#2041 China Jokes
Q: Did you hear about the new American Express Card they are issuing in Red China? A: You never leave home. ...
#2040 Russia Jokes
What,s meant by an exchange opinions in the Communist party of the Soviet Union? It,s when I come to a party meeting with my own opinion, and I leave with the party,s. -----------------------...
#2039 Spain Jokes
Spanish dining An American tourist goes into a restaurant in Spain and orders the specialty of the house. When his dinner arrives, he asks the waiter what it is. "These, senor," replied the wait...
#2038 German Jokes
Q: How does a German eat mussels A: *KNOCK* *KNOCK* *KNOCK* ... AUFMACHEN !!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What,s the difference betwe...
#2037 England Jokes
Q: What,s the difference between England and a tea bag? A: The tea bag stays in the cup longer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Why has K...
#2036 France Jokes
Q: Did you hear about the Frenchman who jumped into the river in Paris? A: He was declared to be in Seine. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F...
#2035 Japan Jokes
The Americans and the Japanese decided to engage in a competitive boat race. Both teams practiced hard and long to reach their peak performance. On the big day they felt ready. The Japanese won by...
#2034 Atlanta Jokes
Some quick thoughts... 1. Atlanta is comprised entirely of one way streets. The only way to get out of Downtown Atlanta is to turn around and start over when you reach Greenville, South Carolina. ...
#2033 Chicago Jokes
A man was telling his co-worker one day that the company was transferring him to Chicago. He explained that he was going to quit before he had to move there. When asked why, he replied that he was ...
#2032 San Francisco Jokes
You Know You Live In San Francisco When ... Your co-worker tells you s/he have 8 body piercings but none are visible. When someone says TENDERLOIN - you don,t think of steak. You think of danger. ...
#2031 Newfoundland Jokes
The Genie A drunk guy was stumbling home one day when he got lost and found himself in the bush. He fell to the ground and noticed a lamp. He picked it up, and rubbed it, and out came a genie. "Yo...
#2030 Vancouver Jokes
Report from the picket line at Depot 74, Vancouver; Day One 12:00 High noon, and tensions are high as well. Management is hiding inside the depot, so to set an example for the world and save face we ...
#2029 Alberta Jokes
Top 10 Reasons To Live in Alberta, Canada 1. Big Rock 2. Preston Manning 3. Tax is 7 percent instead of approximately 200 percent 4. The Premier is a fat, wife-beating alcoholic with a gr...
#2028 British Columbia Jokes
Top 10 Reasons To Live in British Columbia, Canada 1.Weed 2.Vancouver: 1.5 million people and two bridges 3.The local hero is a pot-smoking snowboarder 4.The local wine doesn,t taste lik...

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